Networks for Funders

Science Philanthropy AllianceScience Philanthropy Alliance
A community of funders who work together to inspire new, emerging and current philanthropists to dedicate a portion of their philanthropy to basic science

Health Research AllianceHealth Research Alliance
A collaborative member organization of nonprofit research funders committed to maximizing the impact of biomedical research to improve human health

Media Impact FundersMedia Impact Funders
A network of funders who seek to improve society through media and technology, serving as a learning resource for grant makers interested in using media to further their missions

Philanthropy for Active Civic EngagementPhilanthropy for Active Civic Engagement (PACE)
A network of foundations and funders committed to civic engagement and democratic practice, sharing a belief that America will be more healthy, successful, resilient and productive if democracy is strong and the office of citizen is treated as central to how it functions