First Draft News (a sponsored project of Meedan)

First Draft News is a coalition of newsrooms, human rights organizations and social technology companies that work together to address challenges related to the use and verification of news content sourced from the social web. It produces guides and online tools, and conducts training to help journalists and others identify the origins and assess the authenticity of images, videos and other information shared by eyewitnesses. These resources enable newsrooms to publish content from the social web with confidence and transparency. Since its founding in June 2015, First Draft has grown from a group of nine founding organizations to a network of more than 100 global partners, including many major newspapers and broadcasters, as well as social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. First Draft has also launched an Academic Partner Network of social science and journalism schools from around the world, which will conduct and share research to make news verification more effective. In a time of heightened need for structures that promote trust and transparency in journalism, a planning grant from the Rita Allen Foundation is allowing First Draft News to establish robust nonprofit governance and staffing—thus increasing the organization’s capacity to secure independent funding and develop new collaborations, training and research.