Misinformation Solutions Forum: Nominate a Graduate Student
On October 4, 2018, with major support from the Rita Allen Foundation, a Misinformation Solutions Forum at the Aspen Institute in Washington, D.C., will bring together academic researchers, technology professionals, data scientists, journalists, educators, community leaders and funders to explore promising ideas for curbing the spread of misinformation. Organizers want to include the voices of tomorrow’s innovators as well and welcome the nomination of graduate students for travel assistance and invitation to the Forum. Nominated students must be enrolled in a U.S. degree-granting institution at the time of the October 2018 Forum.
With support from Craig Newmark Philanthropies and Democracy Fund, up to 9 nominated students will be selected in August for invitation to the October Forum and to receive $1500 in travel support (to be distributed to the students’ home institution).
To nominate a graduate student for consideration, please send an essay response (of up to 250 words) to misinformationsolutions@ritaallen.org. Nominations are due July 11, 2018. Essays must directly address the following two questions: In what way could the socioeconomic, cultural, or intellectual experiences of the nominated student contribute to the diversity of the attendants of the Misinformation Solutions Forum? What aspect of the nominated student’s recent work is most relevant to the focus of the Forum on curbing the spread of misinformation? We especially are interested in students working on public understanding of science or health as well as students interested in addressing historically marginalized audiences, and so would welcome indication of such research interest.
All awarded students will be required to attend the event and to write an approximately 500-word essay on the experience within a week of the event for potential publication online. Students also will be invited to be photographed and interviewed at the event. Stipends will be distributed to the student’s institution following the Forum upon attendance.