Fund for Shared Insight Launches “Listen for Good” Initiative
The Fund for Shared Insight, a collaborative of funders dedicated to improving philanthropy, has launched Listen for Good. This new grant-making effort is aimed at exploring new ways for nonprofits to engage with the people they seek to help through high-quality feedback loops. To apply to Listen for Good, a nonprofit must be nominated by one of its funders. Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis until 50 grants are awarded. The deadline for the first round of proposals is October 23.
Listen for Good grants will be structured as co-funding arrangements, in which $60,000 will be awarded to each selected nonprofit organization, with nominating funders contributing $20,000 and Shared Insight contributing the remainder. This approach encourages funders to invest in building or advancing the feedback efforts of their grantees, recognizing that beneficiary feedback data may also serve to improve the practices of funding organizations. Shared Insight seeks to support nonprofits of diverse budget sizes, issue areas and geographies.
Among the key goals of Listen for Good is to enable nonprofit organizations to apply the Net Promoter System (NPS), a simple feedback approach widely used in the for-profit sector to assess and respond to customer experience. Listen for Good will support nonprofits and funders in their efforts to experiment with and learn from the NPS model. Shared Insight will use grantees’ findings to establish tools and benchmarks for using the NPS in various nonprofit contexts.
Funders and nonprofits interested in applying for grants are invited to review the Listen for Good Request for Proposals. A budget template, FAQs and other resources are available here.
The Fund for Shared Insight is a sponsored project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors and is co-chaired by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Ford Foundation. Other participating funders include the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, The JPB Foundation, Liquidnet, the Rita Allen Foundation and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
Shared Insight encourages foundations and nonprofits to listen to the people we seek to help, act on what we hear and openly share what we learn. For more information, please visit www.fundforsharedinsight.org.