Fast Forward Announces 2017 Accelerator Cohort
Fast Forward (RAF grant partner) to bolster nine emerging tech nonprofits through its 2017 summer accelerator…
Fast Forward (RAF grant partner) to bolster nine emerging tech nonprofits through its 2017 summer accelerator…
The Rita Allen Foundation joins funders seeking fresh ideas for improving the information ecosystem; submissions due April 3.
Digital Democracy (RAF grant partner) has expanded its tools for tracking state legislatures to New York; Florida and Texas sites are coming soon.
Fast Forward (RAF grant partner) invites tech nonprofits to apply by March 31 for its summer 2017 Accelerator program.
As the calendar year closes, we’ve reached out to several leaders in journalism, academia, philanthropy and social entrepreneurship to listen more deeply to what’s on their minds as they foster civic engagement in the current environment. We’ve heard several themes resonate: The importance of listening broadly and responding effectively to…
The founders of Democracy Works on the importance of trust and a shared vision in nonprofit startups …
Information has the power to build understanding, change points of view, and help individuals and groups reach smarter decisions. Making sense of ever-expanding mounds of facts and figures often requires bringing together disparate areas of knowledge—science and journalism, computation and politics, or data science and public safety. Creative leaders from…
How Public Lab is evaluating its pioneering model of community science…
A conversation with Brewster Kahle about the Internet Archive, the power of thinking big, and the quest for universal access to knowledge…
A few years ago, the City of Boston decided to tackle an age-old municipal problem in a new way. Using the motion-sensing capabilities of smart phones, volunteers who download Boston’s Street Bump app automatically send to the city information about the condition of the streets they’re driving…